Sunday, June 18, 2017

Monday, June 19. 2017

Welcome to the last week of full classes for the 2016-2017 school year. Today's schedule is A-B-C-D

A Block Introduction to Law 9/10 - Today we'll continue our final set of work for the class from the All About Law text:

page 124 q. 2, 3b and 5
page 133 q. 2
page 134 q. 6, 10 and 11 AND
page 141 q. 2, 4, 5a and 8

This work is preparation for your final quiz in the course (on arrests, your rights on arrest, the court levels in BC, the roles of people within the courts, juries, criminal law defenses and types of evidence)

B Block Law 12 - Today you are once again in the library so that you can work on your major civil law litigation project. I don't want to heap on the pressure here but it's coming down to the wire right? Your major project is due this Thursday (the day of your final test) it's nose to the grindstone time; pound out the work and do the best that you can. Good Luck.

C Block Social Studies 11 - Today I'd like you to watch a brilliant commercial about access to fresh water from World Vision...

FYI: World Vision is a non-profit organization (however it is denominational - Christian) that works in three areas for the developing world: disaster management, development assistance and advocacy (human rights, economic justice and peace).

We'll continue looking at the connection between the social problems (gender, health, children, etc.) in HIPC's with economic development. We will examine traditional economies which are based in primary industries and subsistence farming and compare those with developing and developed economies. This will help us understand the challenges that exist to development around the world. After this, we'll take a look at the Human Development Index which focuses on health, poverty and hunger, education, and environmental issues in countries around the world. A good resource is the UNDP HDI Report. We'll try to understand what HIPC's (Highly Indebted Poor Countries) are along with the cycle of poverty looking at two power points about material wealth and food (based on photography from Peter Menzel). Later we will make a connection between the social problems (gender, health, children, etc.) in HIPC's with economic development. We will examine traditional economies which are based in primary industries and subsistence farming and compare those with developing and developed economies.

There is an excellent news story on the CNN Freedom Project called Chocolate's Child Slaves.

From the CNN site: It may be unthinkable that the chocolate we enjoy could come from the hands of children working as slaves. In the Ivory Coast and other cocoa-producing countries, there are an estimated 100,000 children working the fields, many against their will, to create the chocolate delicacies enjoyed around the world.

This story is a good example of the social problems associated with development and the reliance upon monoculture for economies in developing countries. which connects to our Infographic activity this week

D Block Introduction to Psychology 11 - Time to finish your work:

1.       Week 7 work package (personality and mask assignment)
2.       Week 8 work package (mental illnesses and the DSM-V)
3.       Week 9 work package ( treating psychological disorders)
4.       Psychology  Inquiry project
5.       psyblog or psych journal

Don't forget that the online textbooks are Introduction to Psychology and Psychology

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