Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Wednesday, January 17. 2018

Today's schedule is B-A-D-C-Flex

B Block 9:00 – 10:00
AG 10:05 – 10:15
A Block 10:20 – 11:20
Lunch 11:20 – 12:00
D Block 12:05 – 1:05
C Block 1:10 – 2:10
Personalized Learning 2:10 – 3:15

B Block Physical Geography 12 - Today we look at the ethics associated with resource use along with the different forms of "capital" and understand the concept of "natural capital". We'll also look at renewable and non-renewable resources along with the four ethical views on resource use (economic/exploitation; preservationist; balanced-multiple use; and ecological or sustainable). We'll talk about over-consumption and unsustainable resource use practices using the example of water consumption and the Aral Sea and we'll end the class with a seemingly simple question...."How Much do You Consume?"

Don't forget that I need you to continue tracking your family's water consumption for the week and you can use the water footprint calculator at the H20 Conserve website.

D Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll look at gender connected to moral panics and crime waves. In Gender, Youth, Crime and Justice Loraine Gelsthorpe and Gilly Sharpe claim that

"recurring moral panics regarding girls’ behaviour, seem to have shifted their focus in recent years – from girls’ sexuality and ‘status’ offending, to their apparently increasing violence and alcohol use – and dwell on the resultant punitive turn towards girls and young women".

This turn towards vilifying young female crime can also be seen in crime media. Today we'll look at the Madonna-Whore complex in crime media which is most clearly covered through the topic of rape (think Law & Order: SVU). This complex refers to a dualism in Western patriarchal discourse, which seeks to explain the behavior of women and the desires of men. On one hand, women are rewarded for being the sexual play objects of men (i.e., whores), and on the other hand, women are given clear messages that true grace only derives from marital chastity (i.e., Madonna). We'll see how women are portrayed as victims and as perpetrators in crime media and see if the Madonna-Whore complex applies.

To do this we'll watch "Deadly Women" which deals with Diane Downs and then after we'll look at the DVD "Mothers Who Kill" which deals with Susan Smith, Andrea Yates and Marylin Lemack. After that we'll try to make sense of the women we've taken a look at.

C Block Human Geography 11 - Today we'll look at the key question "Where Are People Distributed Within Urban Areas"? We'll look at three models of urban development (in the U.S.): The concentric zone model; the sector model; and the multiple nuclei model. I'll have you annotate information about the three models in your Week 18-19 package...

I'll also have you look at the differences between North American, European and Latin American city development.

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